Prompt: What Makes an Art Work Impressive

gustave_dore_dante_the_empyreanGustave Dore’s illustrations are impressive in their dynamic composition, mastery in rendering light,and record of the artist’s labor.

paradise_lost4pDore’s interpretation of Dante’s Divine Comedy is incredible. His compositions are striking from the circular triumph of celestial beings to the swooping arch of angels, and the landscapes of souls in eternal suffering. He uses light poetically to render the human form and imaginary landscapes.

Orlando_Furioso_20Besides Dore’s obvious technical skill and dramatic narratives, I am most impressed by the artist’s painstaking attention to detail. Art captures me when it exhibits the artist’s hard-work. I am connected to the artist when I can feel the hours, days, years, they devoted to their work. While I prefer illustrations, I also enjoy art that I feel an artist has conceptually toiled over, such as Leah Cooper described in her lecture today.

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