Artist Research: Il Lee’s Ballpoint Abstractions

Il Lee is the patron saint of the hopeless ball-point pen doodlers. From the margins of our notes, Lee has transformed the artistic potential of ball point ink into larger-than-life abstractions.

Lee’s work has evolved from paper to stretched canvas but his medium of ball point pen ink is consistent. In each piece, he layers the ink through days of fast-paced scribbling and scratching. His technique gives the surface of the art work a tactile quality. In some spots where the artist has specifically toiled, a field of ink consumes all negative shapes.


Lee uses a system of letters and numbers to catalogue his work. This imbues his non-objective forms with more mystery. Some hint at landscapes and even implied spaces, but Lee assigns his work no descriptive title. Preferring an intuitive process, he often approaches the work with no image in mind. The movements of the artist reveal the form.

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As an artist who practices with representational illustration and precise patterns, I enjoy the freedom of Lee’s work. The indigo behemoths are a testament to the process of art-making and the excitement of discovery. From the cylinder of the ball point pen, these free-flowing and organic marks explode!


While Lee’s work can have a calming mood, the artist’s energetic lines vibrate beneath the surface. It reminds me of the buzz of an idle amplifier. The fluidity of the ink is appropriate as Lee’s works flow somewhere between the boundary of drawing and painting.


Artist Website:

Il Lee

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