Artist Research: Raymond Pettibon


Raymond Pettibon is a California based artist who was the leading visual influence in the 80s American punk rock scene. In 1976, Pettibon left behind his job as a high-school math teacher and helped his brother form the band Black Flag, where he briefly played bass. The artist left the band shortly after, but has designed their iconic logo and many of their albums.


Pettibon mainly works with India ink on paper giving his work a very graphic style typically associated with comics or political cartoons. His lines are fluid and imperfect. They seek to capture movement and emotion, not render realism. The artist is not afraid to break the formalist rules of visual art and design. He is a bold mark-maker and does not hesitate to quickly fill his paper with heavy black lines that often run and merge together. While his individual lines are highly kinetic, collectively they portray a feeling of unity, balance, and completion.


Pettibon’s work is also unique in its inclusion of text. The artist confides in an Art 21 Documentary that he spends more time writing than drawing though he views both as integral to his art. He includes text of his own as well as quotes from inspiring authors and artists. The written words Pettibon selects are usually disturbing or ambiguous in nature. He sees his art as more of a narrative than a cartoon that has a punchline or a resolution but doesn’t settle for cheap laughs.

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I really admire Pettibon’s exploration of his material. His pieces range from stark contrast and simplified shapes and tones to expressive lines as seen in his baseball figures. Pettibon explains that he does not discriminate but welcomes any subject matter into his art. His claims he doesn’t seek to create political art, but he does not shy away from politics either. I particularly enjoy the artist’s interpretation of Americana, such as baseball and trains, and his Gumby motif.

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Pettibon explained that he uses characters such as Gumby and Va-Voom in his work with a sense of reverence. Then he’ll make figures such as American presidents the actual cartoons of his work.

pettibon nixon

As begin to re-visit ink washes and brush markers, I am really inspired by Pettibon’s attitude towards mark-making. His lines and proportions are not perfect but they are meaningful and confident in execution. I am also intrigued by the variety of his subject matter and his technique of typography.


To me, his works are the perfect balance of bizarre and beautiful. This is my favorite formula for art.

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