Artist Research: Jake Fried


Jake Fried is an experimental animator who lives and works in Boston. Originally from Ohio, Fried studied painting at MICA in 2004 and then Art History at Boston University. When he is not showing his awesome animations at the Sundance Film Festival and on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, Fried is a museum educator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

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Fried’s “moving paintings” are made with ink, white-out, coffee, guache, and collage materials. These moving paintings are carefully created over months as the artist gradually layers images and transitions on the original painting. He then routinely scans the image with each new addition. He says this method of image making was born out of his creative process. He would habitually toil over his artwork adding and readjusting until a large amount of paint had piled on the surface. It was through this process that he discovered he was more interested in the evolution of the picture instead of the final product.

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I love how Fried approaches his work without a plan and instead “discovers” the painting. In his words, “the works isn’t impulsive or just ‘coming out of me’ in a specific moment or mood, but slowly and thoughtfully arrived at over time.” It really seems as though Fried has a close relationship with the development of his work. I admire this intimate tie and dedication to one’s work.


Fried also mentioned that he grew up in a culture-obsessed Jewish family. I believe this upbringing shows in some of his work that incorporates spiritual figures. I relate to his childhood experience of cultural and religious traditions and enjoy his subtle incorporation of this experience into his artwork.

This is a link to an awesome interview with him- New Talent: Jake Fried

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