If I had the opportunity to curate a show it would center on the theme of CHROMOPHOBIA. Chromophobia is the fear of colors. This is a significant theme to me because I have long avoided, if not feared, the use of color in my personal artwork. This show will exhibit powerful black and white images from art history and graphic novels. The images must also display a strong narrative quality because this exhibit is a homage to the graphic novel ink drawings that first piqued my interest in art.

In his 2008 book of the same title, David Batchelor describes color by “relegating it to the realm of the superficial, the supplementary, the inessential, or the cosmetic.” It is interesting to consider color in this way because it raises the black and white draftsmanship to a higher level of esteem. The line drawing is the fundamental component and the skeletal structure for many forms of art. I will explore this idea in my show and investigate why some artists chose to work without color.

Some sneak-peeks:

Kathe Kollwitz
Sam Weber
Sam Weber
Charles Burns
Charles Burns

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